Focus Areas
Key Result Areas
IBFAN Uganda works through the existing government structures at the district and national levels and specifically provides guidance in the following areas: Policy analysis, formulation and dialogue; Strategic planning; Setting standards and quality assurance. The Organisation also provides technical support to the districts and line ministries on nutrition and food security related issues, including capacity development and technical support supervision; Interventions on nutrition emergency preparedness and response; Nutrition and Health related operational research as well as Monitoring and Evaluation of the overall Nutrition, Food Security and Health related interventions. The key intervention areas are listed below.
Baby-Friendly Health Services
The intervention revolves around the Baby Friendly Health facility Initiative (BFHI) which includes integration within the maternity services; nutrition assessment, rehabilitation and counseling integration within antenatal care; as well as integration in the healthy child consultations and other contacts with pregnant women and lactating mothers. It also includes the Baby Friendly Community Initiatives which entail promotion of men and youth Initiatives.
PMTCT and Paediatric HIV-Related Care
This intervention includes:
- Innovative approaches to increase delivery at health facilities and with skilled service providers as well as strengthening Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and paediatric HIV-related care activities at the health facilities
- Community interventions such as education and mobilisation of target groups to utilise the available services;
- Promotion of Mother/Peer Support Groups to improve uptake of services.
Policies and Regulatory Frameworks
IBFAN Uganda work hinges considerably on:
- National Regulations on the Marketing of Infant and Young Child Foods (which are derived from the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes). The aim is to create/heighten awareness about the Regulations (Code), which forms the basis for supporting, protecting and promoting optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF);
- Maternity/Paternity Protection including the ratification and scaling up implementation of the ILO Maternity Protection Convection No. 183 of 2000 in Uganda, (which enhances maternal health and child survival, growth and development); development and implementation of Maternity/Paternity Protection Guidelines; dissemination of the 2006 Uganda Employment Act, and the development and implementation of Regulations to accompany the Employment Act.
Operational Research
Includes the conducting of Health, Nutrition and Food Security Assessments in the regions depicted as food insecure and among displaced populations such as the refugees.
Breastfeeding and HIV
Monitor and disseminate research and developments relating to HIV and infant feeding. Support counseling for mothers and their partners for appropriate and safe infant feeding choices.
Advocate on critical, urgent and emerging issues and reach out to other stakeholders in order to promote the objectives of the global strategy on infant and young child feeding and the Millennium
Development Goals
Health Care Practices
Promote health care practices in health facilities and the community that promote, protect and support infant feeding according to the 13 best practices to success infant feeding Link with various organizations working with mother-baby friendly health facilities, health professional associates and individuals on information, education, capacity building, advocacy and outreaches.
Women and Work
Develop strategies to address the special needs of working women through imaginative legislation and other actions that assist women to integrate breastfeeding into their working lives.
IBFAN (U) is in the process developing the Mother Friendly Workplace Initiative (MFWI) which seeks to support working breastfeeding women combine their productive and reproductive roles.
Capacity Building
create the appropriate environment of awareness and support for a mother to initiate and sustain breastfeeding.
Regulations on marketing of infant foods regulations
promote implementation of the regulations through training, development of legislation, production of education and monitoring materials as well as monitor compliance with the regulations Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV/AIDS and pediatric HIV/AIDS care.